Worship at Myers Memorial UMC

You’re invited to decorate the Sanctuary with beautiful Easter Lilies on April 20th. The cost is $15 per lily. The flower pot base will be wrapped, including a bow, and delivered to the church for us to enjoy!
Lilies can be given in honor or in memory of loved ones and acknowledgments will be printed as well as shared on the Sanctuary screens. You may take your lilies home following Easter Sunday worship or pick them up on Tuesday following.
Online orders and payments are accepted, checks may be written to MMUMC memo: Easter Lilly. Please complete your order between March 1 and March 30th. Please call the church office if you need assistance.

Click here to Order Sanctuary Flowers
Beautiful flowers adorn the sanctuary each Sunday. If you wish to purchase flowers in honor or in memory of a loved one or special occasion, please use the link above or contact Judy Seay in the church office.
The cost of one arrangement is $60 for a basic arrangement. If you wish to make a special arrangement, please contact Judy at least two weeks in advance.
Should there be multiple persons wishing to sponsor flowers on the same day, there are several options. There is space in the sanctuary for two arrangements. Unless otherwise noted, there will be one arrangement provided each Sunday. Should more there be a need or a desire for more than two sponsors, you may arrange for an additional floral arrangement to be placed in the Narthex at the back of the church.