Children’s Ministry @ Myers

Children’s Ministry is thriving at Myers Memorial UMC!  We are committed to providing faith formation opportunities for all God’s Children! 
Pastor Sarah joined the Myers Staff in 2017 and began her current position in the summer of 2024.  With over 20 years of experience in children’s faith formation and we look forward to the many fun ways we get to experience God and Jesus with her! 
Our 2025 Ministry theme at Myers is “Commit” and we in the children’s area are committed to leading the children of our community to a deeper relationship with Jesus as they experience a loving environment that will welcome, love and serve one another and the world.  

Rev. Sarah Watkins Davis

Pastor of Children & Communications

Sarah at MyersMemorialUMC dot org, 704-864-3222

Sunday Mornings with Children

Worship Nurseries
9a: Room 118: infants – 4 years
11a: Room 118: infants – 4 years (room 109 as needed)

Infants-Toddlers (0-36 months) Room E118

Children (4yrs-5th grades) will gather in room 103 for music and fellowship at 10a and will return for pick up at 10:40a. Children’s Classes are on the 3rd floor of the Education Building.

  • K-3rd graders will meet with Judy Thiele.
  • 4th-5th grades will meet with Gary & Jerri Lynn Boggess  and Justine Synder & Jaclyn Tant.


Club 345 is a small group designed for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders that meets several times each month, mostly on Sunday nights.  

  • February 2: Club Meeting at church, 5p-7p that will include food, fun, fellowship and making more plans!
  • February 16: Bonfire with the Boggesses, 5p-7p. We’ve been invited to gather around a bonfire for conversations of the heart with Gary & Jerri Lynn. We will meet and pick up at the church and travel via church bus to and from their home.
  • March 2: Mardi Gras Party, 4p-6p  (Preschool-5th graders) with Parents Session with Pastor Sally
  • March 16: Night of Service, 5p-7p
  • April 6: Night of Fun & Fellowship, 5p-7p
  • April 13: Palm Sunday Palm Procession (9a & 11a), Egg Hunt (10a)
  • April 18: Good Friday Fun? Day?, 9:30a-12:30p. (Preschoolers – 5th graders). In conjunction with Recess with Hannah
  • April 20: Easter Sunday, Worship at 7, 9, 11, Sunday School at 10a; Butterfly Release at 9:45ish at the flowered cross.
  • May 4: Night of Fun & Fellowship, 5p-7p
  • May 15: End of School Celebration


Recess with Hannah

Myers Memorial UMC is pleased to welcome Hannah Youngberg and her program, Recess & Results with Hannah. Hannah is a certified play-based kids fitness coach and will be offering winter camps and ongoing programs in January & February.

Find Hannah on Facebook and IG to learn more about her programs or sign up here please note the age groups – there’s something for all ages!

Pastor Sarah and Hannah are excited to partner together bringing fun and faith to these colder winter months!

Contact Hannah:  IG: @RecessWithHannahNC or phone: 734-308-2700

Soccer Shots 2025

It’s not just about the game, it’s about the players! Soccer Shots is an engaging children’s soccer program with a focus on character development for children young children and it’s moving into the CFC at Myers on Tuesdays and Saturdays in January and February! Our location will be one of the few in our area where a child does not have to be enrolled in a specific program in order to participate. Register Here For Classes

Created By God

One of the conversations we don’t want to have is the one we really need to have and that’s the awkward conversation about how we are created ~ male and female. We at Myers Memorial UMC want to help you have that conversation with your child and lay the ground work for any future conversation that seems awkward and embarrassing. 
Created by God is offered every other year and will be offered in 2024 as interest allows.
We are created by God and God is still at work helping us become the person we were created to be.  It’s not always an easy process but with accurate information and a safe environment to learn and question, growing up can be a little bit easier. Questions? Contact Pastor Sarah

Safe Sanctuaries

Myers Memorial UMC is a Safe Sanctuaries congregation following guidelines as presented by the Western North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church.  This means we ensure extra precautions are in place for all children and youth are protected.