Adult Ministries

Small Groups for Study & Support

Adult Sunday School

Sundays at 10am

Open Minds meets in the adult wing of the education hallway in room E104. Contact: Jennifer & Mike Rhodes (

Embrace Sunday School meets in the CFC classroom 
Contact: Victoria Flake Herndon or Matthew McCullen
Contemporary Class meets in the adult wing of the education hallway in room E106.  Contact Angie Flake (
For questions about any of these groups, please reach out to Heather at MyersMemorialUMC dot org

New Sunday School Class

Faith Meets Reason
Looking for a group open to discussing topics of faith and scripture with fresh reflection on the ancient ideas that shape religious understanding? In the  Faith Meets Reason setting, we will examine contemporary faith by considering current thinking in biblical studies, theology, philosophy, and social sciences, along with the hard sciences of biology, physics, and astronomy.
The Faith Meets Reason class is a gathering that questions, discusses, and ponders religious matters as a thinking person in a church setting that is committed to Wesleyan theology. Beginning February 9, join us on Sunday mornings during the Sunday school hour in Room 105 in the Education Building. Contact persons for this class are Mark Hanna and David Elzey.
UMM Contact: Mike Rhodes
UWF Contact: Tanya Lunsford
A New Grief Care Group is forming!
This group will meet in the evenings.  Those that are interested in a short term grief care group, please contact Heather.  

Support Groups

meets on Tuesdays at 11am in the CFC Classroom.  Enter the building through the portico entrance.  Park in the parking lot behind Bank of America.
At Al-Anon Family Group meetings, the friends and family members of problem drinkers share their experiences and learn how to apply the principles of the Al-Anon program to their individual situations for persons and families with substance abuse problems.
NA: Narcotics Anonymous
meets on Thursdays at 7:30pm in the Youth Lounge. Enter the building from the back side of the church’s education building (in the lot connected to the Pumpkin Patch area).  NA is a nonprofit fellowship of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem.