The United Methodist Women are sponsoring a new and exciting event for the entire family: A Festival of Trees! Join us on December 1 immediately following worship for a soup lunch among beautifully decorated trees that will in turn bless Angel Tree recipients from the Youth Angel Tree. We’ll enjoy a light lunch of soup while enjoying the beauty of the season!
Would You Like to Decorate a Tree? We’d love to have at least 12 trees for families on our Angel Tree and this is perfect for families, friends, small groups to participate in as a group! Trees should be no taller than 4ft tall and all decorated trees will be donated following the event. Simply contact Tanya Lunsford ( or 704-678-7122) by November 24 to confirm your willingness to donate a fully decorated 4ft tree. The CFC will be open from 9a to 5p on November 30th so you may decorate at the church or deliver your tree in advance. Please have all decorated trees set up in the CFC by Sunday, December 1 at 9:15a.
How Will We Raise Money for Angel Tree? By voting for our favorite decorated tree…with our money! $1 equals 1 vote and the tree with the most votes by 1p on December 1, wins! Bring your cash or checks and place your votes for your favorite tree. The real winners will be the Salvation Army Angel Tree and Silver Bell recipients.
How Else Can I Support This Event? By donating a pot of soup for lunch, helping with set up and clean up, encouraging others to participate, deliver flyers, invite friends to lunch, by liking, sharing and commenting on the Facebook event. Please contact Tanya to offer your support.